Insurance Claim Denial Lawyer

Facing an insurance claim denial can be stressful, especially after paying premiums faithfully. But don’t give up on your insurance benefits! You have rights, and there are options to get the coverage you deserve.

Your rights after a claim denial include:

  • Fair Investigation: Your insurance company is legally obligated to promptly investigate your claim.
  • Clear Communication: They must clearly explain any reasons for denial in writing.
  • Fighting Unfair Denials: If you believe the denial is unjustified, Oklahoma law protects your right to fight back.

Insurance companies must act in “good faith” when handling your claim. If they don’t, it may be considered “insurance bad faith.” If your insurer violates these standards, an experienced insurance law attorney can help you.

Insurance Bad Faith: What Does It Mean?

Insurance companies are legally bound to act in “good faith” when handling your claims. This means investigating fairly, communicating clearly, and not denying coverage without legitimate reason. Sadly, some insurers prioritize profits over their obligations, leading to “insurance bad faith.”

What Does Bad Faith Look Like?

Here are common tactics insurance companies use to avoid paying what they owe:

  • Incomplete investigations: Cutting corners to find reasons for denial.
  • Misrepresenting your policy: Twisting the language to limit your coverage.
  • Intimidation: Pressuring you into unfair settlements.
  • Adding unnecessary hurdles: Making the process exhausting.
  • Deliberate lowball offers: Hoping you’ll accept less than you deserve.
  • Stalling tactics: Dragging things out until you give up.

Why do insurance companies get away with bad faith. Insurers know many people will accept unfair denials or low payments just to get it over with. This saves them money at your expense. Bad faith can cost you dearly, potentially affecting your finances for years to come.

How to Fight Back Against a Denied Claim

Insurance companies legally have an obligation to fairly assess your claim. Federal and Oklahoma law sets forth clear standards to protect consumers. If they violate these standards, an experienced insurance law attorney can help you:

  • Appeal the Denial: Challenge the insurance company’s decision and seek a fair review.
  • Recover Reimbursement: Fight for the full value of your covered claim.
  • Pursue Additional Compensation: In cases of “bad faith” denials, Oklahoma law allows you to seek compensation beyond policy limits. This can include legal fees and punitive damages.

How to Sue an Insurance Company for Bad Faith in Oklahoma

If your insurance company denies a valid claim, unreasonably delays payment, or offers an unfairly low settlement, you may have a case for “bad faith”. Don’t give up! You have options to fight for the compensation you deserve.

When can you sue for bad faith? Here are some common instances:

  • Denying coverage that your policy clearly includes.
  • Significantly undervaluing your losses.
  • Using misleading tactics or stalling to pressure you into accepting less.
  • Fighting Back: Why You Need a Bad Faith Attorney

Suing an insurance company is complex. A skilled bad faith attorney can:

  • Analyze your policy: Confirm your coverage and identify violations.
  • Gather strong evidence: Prove your losses and the insurer’s unfair actions.
  • >Navigate legal hurdles: Handle all paperwork and deadlines.
  • Negotiate aggressively: Fight for your full compensation.
  • Take your case to trial: If the insurer won’t settle fairly.


Benefits of Hiring a Bad Faith Lawyer


  • Maximize your chances of success: Their expertise gives you an edge.
  • Reduce stress: Let them handle the legal battle while you focus on recovery.
  • Potentially recover more: Beyond your policy limits, you might win damages for the insurer’s bad faith actions.


Doug Terry Law: Ready to Address Your Denied Health Care Claims

Contact Our Denied Health Insurance Claim Lawyer Today

At Doug Terry Law, we understand how to aggressively address denied claims while empathetically managing the legal process. We know you are frustrated and concerned about your financial future.

Payment on your medical insurance claims are not a luxury: they are benefits due to you for losses you have experienced based on the policy for which you paid. When claims are denied, you absorb the financial burden. We will address these issues on your behalf and work tirelessly for a positive outcome.

Years ago, Doug Terry founded his firm because he saw the unfair ways in which insurance companies treated individuals, and he believes that ordinary people need and deserve the same high quality legal services as large corporations.

Our clients have the entirety of our firm’s resources behind them as we work to right the wrongs of their health insurance companies.

When declined claims are an issue, act quickly. Contact our team at 405-463-6362 to schedule a free consultation.  Let us review your case and explain how we believe we can best support you.


Attorney Doug Terry

Lawyer Doug TerryAfter 25 years practicing in a larger firm, Doug chose to open his own practice in Oklahoma City. He brings his wealth of knowledge and his skills as a litigator to bear for his clients in matters of insurance bad faith, personal injury cases and class actions. Doug has the distinction of being awarded a Martindale-Hubbell “AV Preeminent” rating from his peers in the legal community. He has also been selected as an Oklahoma Super Lawyer. [ Attorney Bio ]

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